Dr. Ernst-Otto Onnasch




At the University of Utrecht (Netherlands) I teach philosophy, conduct research in the field of the history of (modern) philosophy and supervise the research project "The Quest for the System in the Transcendental Philosophy of Immanuel Kant" granted by NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO/Innovational Research Incentives Scheme).



My research and expertise:

  • History of Classical German philosophy (German Idealism), its epistemology, metaphysics and system of philosophy

  • The Philosophy of the History of Philosophy (since 1700)

  • Kantianism in the Netherlands around 1800

  • German scholasticism (Deutsche Schulphilosophie)

  • Plato, Aristoteles and Neo-Platonism


For my current research click here

For my list of publications click here

Dutch/Flemish Research Centre: Kant and Classical German Philosophy here






As founding editor I established a new series on Karl Leonhard Reinhold (Reinholdiana) with Walter de Gruyter (Berlin-New York). The first two volumes will appear in autum 2011, three more volumes are in preparation. New manuscripts for the series will be welcomed. More information on the Series is availible here and on the website of Walter de Gruyter here


You can vistit me on academia.edu



August 2011

Recently I found a hintherto unknown letter by G.W.F. Hegel to the brothers Ramann in Erfurt (dated September 19, 1803). The letter with an extensive comment on wine, its trading and consupmtion by Hegel is published in volume 45 of the Hegel-Studien. For an e-print click . For a Dutch press release see here


A new publication on Kant's letters with Jeronimo de Bosch (Curator of the Leiden University) that have been written by Friedrich Theodor Rink and the backgrounds of Dutch Kantianism in the late 90s, in volume 102/1 of the Kant-Studien has appeared. The article also contains new materials for dating parts of Kant's Opus postumum. For an e-print click



June 2010

New publication on the very early influence of Kantian Philosophy in the Netherlands hast just been published:

"Immanuel Kants Philosophie in den Niederlanden 1785-1804", in: Kant der Europäer - Europäer über Kant, hrsg. von Dietzsch, Steffen und Grimoni, Lorenz, Husum 2010, S. 70-96



May 2010

Hitherto unknown Dutch translation of Immanuel Kant's "Erklärung gegen Fichte" from 1799 is found, see "News" here, a pdf-edition is provided.


Recent review: Karl Leonhard Reinhold, Briefe über die Kantische Philosophie. Erster und zweiter Band, mit einem Kommentar herausgegeben von Martin Bondeli, Schwabe 2007 und 2008, in: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72/1 (2010), p. 165–167.


January 2010

  Recent book publication:

 Karl Leonhard Reinhold
Versuch einer neuen Theorie des Vorstellungsvermögens, Teilband 1
Mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Ernst-Otto Onnasch.
Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg PhB 599a. 2010. CLVII, 210 Seiten.
978-3-7873-1934-3. Leinen 68.00
information by publisher information in Dutch at UU

Teilband 2 is forthcomming in November 2011
Review by Marion Heinz and Violetta Stolz in: Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 63/1 (2010), S. 7-14


November 19, 2009: Public lecture of the lounch of new semantic (associative neuronal) search machine for the humanities here

November 21: Radio broadcasting on neurosemanitc search machine (in Dutch), Radio 1, Tros Radio-Online (click the link for replay).


Oktober 1

  Recent book publication:
 Immanuel Kants Philosophie der Natur
 Ihre Entwicklung im Opus postumum und spätere Wirkung
 Herausgegeben von Ernst-Otto Onnasch  
 Walter De Gruyter: Berlin-New York
 470 pages  information by publisher

Inhalt und Einleitung/Table of Contents and Introduction








BA-Seminar on the Theodicee of Leibniz, Kant and Schelling
Universiteit Utrecht
February 2011
Workload: 7,5 ECTS

History of practical and political philosophy: Kant and Hegel
Universiteit Utrecht
November 2011
Workload: 7,5 ECTS



Universiteit Utrecht –  Department of Philosophy (Faculty of Humanities)

PO box 80126  |  3508 TC Utrecht

Heidelberglaan 6  |  3584 CS Utrecht

Room 172 (Bestuursgebouw, first floor)

T  +31 (0)30 253 9794

F  +31 (0)30 253 2816

I  http://phil.uu.nl/




Copyright © 2006 Ernst-Otto Onnasch. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.
Last update:  08 Mai 2010 18:20 h

Foto: Christiaan Krouwels

Visit me on Academia.edu

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